NightForest Stories

We Are the NightForest

Five hands holding up vials with Urban Forest Stories against a forest soil backdrop. The photo is circular and has a black frame with colourful shapes surrounding the outline. Text in yellow reads: NightGarden presents NightForest Stories workshop

We are the NightForest

    we listen closely for the stories

    hanging from our branches

    hopping through our underbrush

    rooting beneath your feet

    filled with surprising cherry trees


I am a cherry tree

    though I have never held fruit

    hidden, concealed, waiting

    until the sun urged me to shoot

    throwing my cherries at that farmer

    made us both fuzzy + happy


I am fuzzy + happy

    most people + things here will change

    glitter will stay the same

    autumn is and will

    always be autumn


I am autumn

    I represent change

    a bittersweet end to the summer

       like grandad


I am my grandfather

    who introduced me to so many things that shaped my life

    architecture, design, drawing

    which ultimately led to meeting so many great people

    he also showed me how to use salt to clean silver


I am colour, vibrancy, and a dash of silver

    a taste of the NightForest


We are the NightForest

    we are the movers and shakers

    we are the groovers and makers

    we are this moment, this place, the forest


I am the forest

    a thousand shades of green

    many visit me when their lives become too rooted in the city

    to rediscover their individuality


I am rediscovering my individuality

    and reminding myself that I am not a rock

even though I am unclean + unclear


I am unclean

    unclear of the future

    fostered in a creative community


I am part of a collective, enjoying community & creativity

    ♥a man who can name every man made product


I am a man who can name every man made product

    but can not name a single plant

    I need some time with nature

    to get the feeling back


I am mesh + veins

    sought art texture

    to get the feeling back

    the sensation of sun…


I am the sun

    through the cracks of the forest

I am the warmth on your face

    that radiates life

    the creatures that tickle the earth

    in the NightForest


We are the NightForest

    we grow past city fringes

    and are never lost

    always found

    ever present

    you can find us

    by following the trails of life


I am trails of life

    I am trails of nature

    honouring the colours of my life

    as it happens through time

    I look up and then inside

    I can feel it all around me

    nature crystalised in creativity


I am nature crystalised in creativity

    a remembrance of the senses

    from our last universal common ancestor [LUCA]

    billions of years of life

    through to the brightest memories

    of my childhood discoveries


I am my childhood discoveries

    I have so many memories of nature

    I remember the bouncy tree


I am the bouncy tree

    I have lived in Cairn Wood for hundreds of years

    even though I am old

    and my branches are a bit worse for wear

    I’m sure I’d have a class time

    with my tree friends in the NightForest


We are the NightForest…


A collaborative place-based story from the NightForest, crafterd in Greater Manchester, on Saturday 27 July 2024 between 14:30 and 18:00 BST, by Anand M, Charlotte C, Daisy H, Frankie B, Harry T, Jess W, Lotte D, Louis O, Rob W, Rory M, Stan Skinny, Stef L, Tom Y, Trees R Good and the more-than-human movers, shakers, groovers, makers and vibrant matterings of NightGarden 2024.




For a moment, we allowed ourselves to fully being part of the NightForest. We investigated the more-than-human connections in and with the forest and gardens at the NightGarden Festival, using our bodies, personal stories, and collaborative place explorations. During and after each exercise, we recorded our responses. We Are the Night Forest is the story we uncovered.


Urban Forest Stories


Collaborative, More-Than-Human and place-based III