Warwick Woodland Words II
…on to the stick
I am the stick
that races in the river
I twist and turn
as I float into the unknown
I am the unknown
the unfamiliar smells
that come with an unexpected turn of the weather
descending on the local inhabitants
I am the inhabitants
I walk the land
we are known
by the people of the river
I am the people of the river
protecting you
I’ve watched over you throughout your life
and this is the result
I am the result
of my history
which makes my heart beating
for leaves
I am not a white flower
but listening to the leaf
on my foot
I am a white flower
I live with leaves
I am the leaf
fleeting, floating, providing
ephemeral but repeatable
I will be here again on the willow
I am the willow
I am not trustworthy
or very stable!
climb me if you dare
but step like a feather!
I am the feather
I am keeping birds dry
as the rain pours from the sky
I floating down and land
on to the stick
I am the stick
that races in the river…
A collaborative place-based story from the Arboricultural Association’s annual Amenity Conference, transcribed here as crafted and captured in place in Warwick, on Tuesday 10 September 2024, between 16:45 and 17:45 BST, by Lotte Dijkstra, and the more-than-human conference delegates present.
For a moment, we took a step outside of the conference venue. We investigated the urban forest on the campus of Warwick University, using our bodies, personal stories, and collaborative place explorations. During and after each exercise, we recorded our responses. The Warwick Woodland Words share the stories we uncovered.